Poslovni Dnevnik.hr – Interview with Danijela Isailović, manager of the Association RES Serbia
RES Serbia is a business association for renewable energy sources in Serbia, founded in February 2021. It was established with the support of the European

Renewable energy sources occupy the largest share in the global growth of energy capacities in 2021
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) announced that, observed globally, electricity generation capacity using renewable energy sources continued to grow. By the end of 2021,

A stimulating example in the region – wind farms in Montenegro yesterday met 45% of electricity needs
According to WindEurope, Montenegro yesterday, April 17, 2022 succeeded to meet 45% of the need for electricity at the national level from domestic wind farms,

The first segment of the national environmental consultations held at the Palace of Serbia, in preparation for the conference – Stockholm +50
The national consultations on the environment, held on April 13 at the Palace of Serbia, were organized with the support of the Swedish government in

IPARD funded a solar power plant, Green Watt Innovations built it
Green Watt Innovations d.o.o. Beograd, a regular member of the Association RES Serbia, has installed and connected to the network a solar power plant on

EBRD on WindEurope: Serbia is a country with potential in wind energy
Director, Head of Energy Europe at EBRD Grzegorz Zielinski spoke at a panel on wind energy development in Europe at the WindEurope conference in Bilbao.

The conference ,,RES Serbia 2022’’ will be held on September 15
After last year’s extremely successful conference, we are pleased to inform you that the ,,RES Serbia 2022’’ conference will be held on September 15, 2022

The first regional electricity exchange ADEX is establishing
The Transmission System Operator of the Republic of Serbia (EMS), the Transmission System Operator of Slovenia (ELES) and the European Electricity Exchange (EPEX SPOT) announced

The WindEurope Bilbao Conference brings together Europe’s green elite
The annual conference and exhibition of the European wind energy industry, WindEurope 2022, will be held in Bilbao from 5 to 7 April 2022. The

A new chairman of the Board of RES Serbia has been elected
Miloš Colić, a representative of Electrawinds K-Wind, one of the founding companies of the Association, was unanimously elected the new chairman at the 11th session

Rulebook on the manner of keeping the Register of Buyers-Producers has been published
The Rulebook on the manner of keeping the Register of customers – producers connected to the transmission, distribution, ie closed distribution system and the methodology

Schneider Electric is a new regular member of RES Serbia
We are proud to present another regular member of RES Serbia – Schneider Electric. Schneider Electric believes that access to energy and the digital world