Green Watt Innovations d.o.o. a regular member of RES Serbia continues with successful projects to improve energy efficiency and reduce the cost of electricity exploitation.
After several successfully implemented projects in the area of the municipality of Raška, the company entered into the realization of a project at a catering facility. It is about the hotel “Matn breg” in Jošanička Banja. For many years, this hotel has been providing an ideal place for rest and recreation throughout the year, it has an indoor and outdoor pool, a sauna, a spa center, and its rich gastronomic offer sets it apart for its quality in this part of Serbia.
An increased volume of working hours implies an increase in the consumption of electricity. The necessary expansion of the production capacity necessitated the installation of the solar FN power plant. Its basic purpose included powering the electric pumps at the pool, jacuzzi tub and powering larger consumers in the kitchen.

The main challenge was the installation of the solar FN power plant on the roof of the building next to the already installed solar collectors while finding the ideal balance in the load on the roof structure. The main purpose of the solar collectors is to provide a sufficient amount of hot water to supply the spa center and supply hot water to the rooms.
Time has shown that the use of solar collectors and the use of a solar power plant reduces more than 55% of the cost of using electricity, by 35% it reduces the use of a pellet boiler, while the degree of pollution of these two systems is 0%.
The next steps in the cooperation would be the expansion of the capacity of the solar FN power plant and the installation of a heat pump of the “water-water” system, which would consign the use of solid fuel in this facility to history.
Author: Marko Vidojević
Photo: Green Watt Innovations d.o.o./Marko Vidojević