
Više od 2.800 domaćinstava u Srbiji su prozjumeri – Instalisana snaga 22,8 MW, Vojvodina prednjači

U Srbiji, koncept kupca-proizvođača gde domaćinstva postaju aktivni učesnici u energetskom sistemu, sve više dobija na značaju. Prema podacima Elektrodistribucije Srbije, u Registru kupaca-proizvođača trenutno se nalazi 2.811 domaćinstava koja funkcionišu kao prozjumeri. Ova domaćinstva ne samo da troše električnu energiju, već je i proizvode, obično putem solarnih panela. Instalisana snaga domaćinstava kupaca-proizvođača je trenutno […]

Više od 2.800 domaćinstava u Srbiji su prozjumeri – Instalisana snaga 22,8 MW, Vojvodina prednjači Read More »

Meeting the UAE Consensus: The world needs three times more wind farms and 35 times more geothermal energy

Meeting the UAE Consensus: The world needs three times more wind farms and 35 times more geothermal energy A tripling of renewable energy capacity to 11.2 TW requires an average annual growth of 1,044 GW from 2024 to 2030, representing an annual growth rate of 16.4%, one of the conclusions of the report “Meeting the

Meeting the UAE Consensus: The world needs three times more wind farms and 35 times more geothermal energy Read More »

More than 2,800 households in Serbia are prosumers – Installation capacity 22.8 MW, Vojvodina leads

In Serbia, the concept of consumer-producer, where households become active participants in the energy system, is gaining more and more importance. According to the data of the Elektrodistribucija Srbije, there are currently 2,811 households in the Register of Buyers-Producers that function as prosumers. These households not only consume electricity, but also produce it, usually through

More than 2,800 households in Serbia are prosumers – Installation capacity 22.8 MW, Vojvodina leads Read More »

Ispunjavanje UAE konsenzusa: Svetu treba tri puta više vetroparkova i 35 puta više geotermalne energije

Utrostručenje kapaciteta obnovljive energije na 11,2 TW zahteva prosečan godišnji rast od 1.044 GW u periodu od 2024. do 2030. godine, što predstavlja godišnju stopu rasta od 16,4%, jedan je od zaključaka izveštaja „Ispunjavanje UAE konsenzusa: Praćenje napretka ka utrostručavanju kapaciteta obnovljive energije i udvostručavanju energetske efikasnosti do 2030. godine”. Prva u nizu godišnjih publikacija

Ispunjavanje UAE konsenzusa: Svetu treba tri puta više vetroparkova i 35 puta više geotermalne energije Read More »

WindEurope: U trećem kvartalu ove godine 13 zemalja naručilo vetroturbine kapaciteta 4,3 GW

U trećem kvartalu ove godine 13 evropskih zemalja naručilo je vetroturbine kapaciteta 4,3 GW, što je 13% manje nego u prethodnom kvartalu i pad od 9% u odnosu na isti period prošle godine, pokazuju statistički podaci za treći kvartal 2024. godine koje je predstavio WindEurope, evropska asocijacija za energiju vetra čiji je OIE Srbija član.

WindEurope: U trećem kvartalu ove godine 13 zemalja naručilo vetroturbine kapaciteta 4,3 GW Read More »

WindEurope: In the third quarter of this year, 13 countries ordered wind turbines with a capacity of 4.3 GW

In the third quarter of this year, 13 European countries ordered wind turbines with a capacity of 4.3 GW, which is 13% less than in the previous quarter and a decrease of 9% compared to the same period last year, according to a new report by WindEurope, the European association for wind energy which RES

WindEurope: In the third quarter of this year, 13 countries ordered wind turbines with a capacity of 4.3 GW Read More »

A leader in sustainable energy in Eastern Europe: Fortis Energy Serbia is a new regular member of the RES Serbia Association

Fortis Energy Serbia is the Eastern European headquarters of Fortis Renewable Energy BV. As a prominent renewable energy investor, Fortis Energy Serbia focuses on solar, wind, and biogas power plant investments across Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro. Their operations are dedicated to expanding sustainable energy solutions within the region, aligning with Fortis Renewable Energy BV’s

A leader in sustainable energy in Eastern Europe: Fortis Energy Serbia is a new regular member of the RES Serbia Association Read More »

Lider u održivoj energiji Istočne Evrope: Fortis Energy Srbija novi redovni član Udruženja OIE Srbija

Fortis Energy Srbija je istočnoevropsko sedište kompanije Fortis Renewable Energy BV. Kao istaknuti investitor u obnovljive izvore energije, fokusira se na ulaganja u solarne, vetroelektrane i biogasne elektrane širom Srbije, Albanije, Severne Makedonije i Crne Gore. Njihov rad je posvećen širenju održivih energetskih rešenja u regionu i usklađivanju sa globalnim standardima, uz podršku Fortis Renewable

Lider u održivoj energiji Istočne Evrope: Fortis Energy Srbija novi redovni član Udruženja OIE Srbija Read More »

Siemens Energy doo Beograd is a new member of the Association RES Serbia

Siemens Energy d.o.o Beograd is the regional leader in providing electricity generation and transmission solutions, as well as decarbonisation projects in the process industry, with the growing share of energy produced from renewable sources. Local team of around 200 people is involved in the construction of power plants, gas infrastructure, electrical networks and cyber security.

Siemens Energy doo Beograd is a new member of the Association RES Serbia Read More »

Siemens Energy doo Beograd novi redovni član Udruženja OIE Srbija

Siemens Energy d.o.o. Beograd je regionalni lider u pružanju rešenja za proizvodnju i prenos električne energije, kao i projektima dekarbonizacije u procesnoj industriji, sa rastućim udelom energije proizvedene iz obnovljivih izvora. Lokalni tim od oko 200 zaposlenih radi na projektima izgradnje elektrana, gasne infrastrukture, električnih mreža, sajber bezbednosti i ima veliko iskustvo u lancu vrednosti

Siemens Energy doo Beograd novi redovni član Udruženja OIE Srbija Read More »