Global Wind Day is celebrated around the world every June 15. We celebrated this year’s wind day in the Kovačica wind park, in the company of members of the Association of RES Serbia, students from Singidunum University and special guests – students at the elementary school from Padina.
Our host, and one of the founding companies of the Association, Electrawinds K-Wind d.o.o. Kovačica (Enlight Renewable Energy) organized a tour of the wind park and a short lecture for the gathered guests. Engineers, lawyers and technicians employed at the Kovačica wind farm spoke to the primary school students from Padina who, accompanied by their teacher, came to the wind farm by bicycle, as well as other guests.
Miloš Colić, Chairman of the Management Board of RES Serbia, spoke about wind energy, the advantages of renewable energy sources and the way wind farms function. Miloš Colić joined the Pupils from Padina in cycling to wind turbine number 47.
Refreshments for our youngest guests, as well as for all gathered, were provided by Tetra Pak.