Matteo Colangeli: RES Serbia has become the key stakeholder in the national renewable energy sector

European Bank for Reconstruction and development (EBRD) is the main partner of the RES Serbia 2021 conference – the same institution also strongly supported the establishment of the RES Serbia Association. Matteo Colangeli, EBRD director for Western Balkans, emphesized being proud of RES Serbia`s successes.

– We supported the establishment of the OIE Association and are proud to see that it already became a key stakeholder in the Serbian renewable energy sector. This conference is another important step in the development of the sector and we are pleased to partner with OIE in its organization. EBRD’s speakers will join the event to confirm our commitment to support Serbia in becoming a less carbon intensive and more resilient economy and lay out our plans to scale up investments and policy support to the green energy transition – said Mr Colangeli.