The Ministry of Mining and Energy published on its website the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and submitted it to a three-week public hearing.
As a reason for amending the Law that was adopted in April 2021, the Ministry cites problems in implementation, and believes that the proposed changes can eliminate problems and create conditions for the realization of new RES projects and conducting auctions, without jeopardizing the operation of the transmission system operator and guaranteed public supplier.
In this sense, the balance responsibility assigned to the guaranteed supplier by the current Law, after the adoption of amendments to the Law, should be the responsibility of the producer, that is, the participant in the auctions. Also, amendments to the Law should limit the concept of buyer-producer only to prosumers who connect to the distribution network.
Among the more important novelties, we should highlight the proposal that the maximum auction price for RES projects is determined by the Ministry instead of the Energy Agency, which aims to prevent a potential collapse of the auction process.
You can read the proposal for amendments to the law, the explanation and the commenting procedure here.
Comments on the proposed changes are sent in electronic form.
The public hearing is open until February 9, 2023.