Danijela Isailović, manager of the Association RES Serbia, is attending the annual gathering of national associations members of WindEurope, which is being held in Rome this week, for the first time live since the outbreak of the pandemic. The meeting and networking program is attended by about 30 members, association directors, and is hosted by Elettricita Futura, the Italian national association.

During the official part of the event, the manager of RES Serbia presented the Association to WindEurope members, bearing in mind that it is one of the youngest associations in Europe. She presented the current status of RES projects in Serbia, the Law on the use of renewable energy sources, as well as the problems that arose due to the large number of requests for connection, which blocked the implementation of the law and the holding of auctions. She also pointed out the problem of the defined maximum purchase price and informed WindEurope about the submitted initiative to change the methodology for calculating the maximum price.