Since the renewable energy sources are the future of the energy sector which will employ companies and individuals of various profiles, membership is divided into three categories: members, associated members, and honorary members.
Here you can download statute and code of ethics.
Regular membership is eligible to any legal entities which actively, seriously and visibly engage in investments, equipment manufacturing and/or service delivery in the field of sustainable development and electric power generation form renewable energy sources, thus also contributing to the objectives of the Association.
Associated membership is eligible to any legal entity regardless of the location of its head office as well as any natural person with temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia interested in the promotion and active contribution to the objectives of the Association, and who can contribute to the development of the Association through their actions.
Honorary membership is eligible to any legal entity or natural person who can contribute to the advancement of Association’s activities and its recognition by their reputation, public actions and knowledge.
The regular membership application form can be downloaded here:
The associated membership application form can be downloaded here:
The honorary membership application form can be downloaded here:
The applicant desiring to become a member, associated member or honorary member should forward the attached documentation to You can send your additional questions on becoming a member or functioning of our organization to the same address. The decisions on membership applications are made by the Steering Committee on its first session following the admittance of completed membership candidate documentation.

Vetroelektrane Balkana DOO Beograd
(VE Čibuk 1 – član osnivač)

Electrawinds K-Wind d.o.o. Kovačica
(VE Kovačica – član osnivač)

Elicio Ali VE d.o.o. Beograd
(VE Alibunar – član osnivač)

Eko Step Pellet d.o.o. Petrovac na Mlavi

MT – Komex DOO Beograd


Crni Vrh power DOO Žagubica

Wind Park Plandište DOO Beograd


New Energy Solutions d.o.o. Beograd

Energoprojekt Entel a.d. Beograd

Schneider Electric Srbija d.o.o. Beograd

Green Balancing Group d.o.o Beograd

Comtrade Distribution d.o.o Beograd

Nordex Energy d.o.o Beograd

Interbilanz DOO Beograd

BDK Advokati a.o.d. Beograd

Petrikić i Partneri AOD CMS

ACB DOO Beograd

Vidaković LAW

EY DOO Beograd

Zsuzsana Hargitai